Section 3 - Intervention for Athletes

This section provides coaches with a seven hour mindset intervention to deliver to athletes over a period of weeks. Each activity will take varying amounts of time, so use the guide below to help pace the activities. These activities could be delivered before or after training sessions as group or individual sessions, or as part of a home study plan. Alternatively you may decide to pick and choose activities and deliver them in your own order. This is fine to do. Above all we want you to have a growth mindset, give it a go and fit it to your own style of delivery.

Each activity sheet can be photocopied, given to athletes to work through independently or with someone else. They are designed to require very little coach facilitation, however if coaches have the skills to build on the points covered and to facilitate discussion then this will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the intervention. We highly recommend that the coaches delivering this section have already read Sections 1 and 2 and completed the coach intervention tasks. Ultimately, coaching behaviour will have a significant impact on the mindsets of athletes. Athletes are required to hold onto the learning sheets they produce, as some of the work generated in activities will be required for future tasks.

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